Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 4, 01/04/29, Star Polishers

During the Advent season at our church, adults will be paired with a child to be their secret Star Polisher. The child is considered the star and during Advent, the Star Polisher prays for the child everyday and weekly sends the child a card. Today, our girls (LMA on the left and AMA on the right) found out who their Star Polishers were. It is always a thrill to find out who their Star Polishers are. This is a picture of the girls with their Star Polishers.


  1. Love this! Could the Star Polishers have been any more coordinated to take this photo? The girls dresses are adorable. I really like this idea, maybe I'll mention it to our rector next year.

  2. Cool idea and a great photo! Glad to see you're in.

  3. What a wonderful program. Great picture!

  4. Such a nice picture of all of them. It would make a great gift back to them. Glad you are doing this project!

  5. What a sweet idea! Great photo!

  6. I love this idea...the idea of star polishers! And I agree...beautiful photo!
